Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Stylizing Animation By Example-evolution of animation

When people ask you "where do you think animation is going", what do you say? I am always at a loss. What is the next big thing, where can it be taken. Pixar has dominated the story aspect of animated movies, exploring new looks and styles as well. Inside the Mind looks really cool, and looks to push different styles as well.
Check out the rendering techniques being played with over at Pixar. Simply amazing. Paper Man was revolutionary, but this just blows my mind!


Sunday, January 19, 2014

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Ryan Woodard

Again, I hit GOLD in Pinterest!I First I found Flooby Nooby-
which led me to Ryan Woodards website and AMAZING 2d animation. I know, I am behind the time on the greats, but his character design is one thing, but his lines of action and flow just blew my mind! I cant stop watching his animation! Simply amazing! And check out his app, Bottom of the Ninth. I haven't downloaded it yet, but will do a write up later.

Ryan Woodards Website

And if you havent seen his viral video, "Thought of You", its a must watch!

Bottom of the Ninth:

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Davis/Kahl Disney links on acting

Carlos Baena has some great videos ad insight from Milt Kahl. I can write more, but just go to his sight and check it out!


Friday, January 10, 2014


Ok, so this is not really a Animation topic, but is still really awesome! Having worked on DC Universe Online, and being a die hard comic collector(over 5k in my back room), gotta love this magazine covers! Enjoy!

Don Bluth Productions-Youtube Gold

Theres days where I feel like I hit the jackpot, just trolling Youtube. I found Don Bluth has his own channel, with numerous tutorials and tidbits. I just let the channel run all day while I was animating. So shut off your damn Pandora or what ever music your listening to, and just take a listen!

Don Bluth Production Youtube Channel

Artist Profile: Genevieve Tsai

Pinterest never ts to amazing me. Today I found the art of Genevieve Tsai. Simply amazing! Her work is amazing. I love her charactures and how she can capture a story in one image. New fan favorite of mine!
Make sure to check out here blog!


Monday, January 6, 2014

PINTEREST-your best friend!

So jumping back into animation, one of the best tools I found? Pintrest! Anything you need, its there, concepts, sketches, reference, etc. Every morning starts with a cup of coffee and at least 15 mintues on Pintrest for inspiration or reference. 
Here is my Pintrest, but its barley scratches the surface.
Also, here is a new artist that I have fallen in love with, amazing work and great advice for character design.
Kelli Bort has an article in FACILITY Magazine that breaks down her creative process.
For the full article, go to the online magazine,

Friday, January 3, 2014

[the films of] Pixar Animation Studios

Great little compilation of the best of the best from Pixar. Sure, its a bit outdated, but wow...still gives me goosebumps! Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Great way to start 2014 is a nice little find, using the Source Film Maker!